The Ministry of Natural Resources signed a Roadmap with 9 leading universities

Today in Minsk, the signing of Roadmaps for the development of cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in the field of environmental protection and rational (sustainable) use of natural resources for 2024-2026 with 9 leading universities of our country took place.
The roadmaps were signed by:
Roadmaps for the development of cooperation in the field of environmental protection and rational (sustainable) use of natural resources for 2024-2026 were developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection together with interested higher education institutions in order to increase the effectiveness of interaction on issues of improving environmental education, training specialists in the field of environmental protection and rational (sustainable) use of natural resources, as well as improving their qualifications.
The Minister noted that the approval of the roadmaps will be a logical development of the agreement that the environmental protection agency signed with the Ministry of Education the day before. “Today, a multi-stage structure of continuous environmental education has been created in Belarus. The education system plays a fundamental role in this structure, primarily the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. Thanks to the signing of nine roadmaps and joint work with the Ministry of Education, we are building a clear vertical in terms of training potential personnel to work in the system of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The first stage is primary school. Today, such a project as “Green Schools” is being successfully implemented in Belarus, and in Minsk – the project “Green Classes of the Belarusian Capital”. In a playful way, we offer children to participate in exploring the world around them, instilling in them certain skills and knowledge that will be useful to them in the future. The next stage is specialized classes. This year, on September 1, specialized engineering classes will be opened in four secondary education institutions in Minsk,” said Sergei Maslyak.
The document defines promising areas of interaction between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and universities, including educational and scientific lines. Thus, it provides for the implementation of scientific research within the framework of scientific programs commissioned by the Ministry, exchange of experience in the field of environmental protection, involvement of heads (specialists) of organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources as heads or scientific consultants of coursework, diploma papers and master’s theses of students, development of a network form of interaction in the implementation of the curriculum of optional classes “Fundamentals of Rational Nature Management and Protection of Natural Resources” for the VIII (IX, X) grade of educational institutions in educational institutions, including at the regional level, and more.
Academic mobility of students and postgraduates, organization of internships, educational and pre-graduation practices for students at organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Natural Resources, holding lectures, seminars, practical classes, mutual participation in significant events, etc., seem promising.
Sergey Maslyak noted that the implementation of the Roadmap is an excellent opportunity for young people not only to study the theory, but also to practically touch their future work. “Considering the challenges facing the industry today, primarily the development of the country’s mineral resource base, the department needs specialists in narrow fields, such as a geologist and a geophysicist. We will pay increased attention to these areas, as well as to workers in the field of ecology and control activities. By the way, the parties are also interested in creating branches of departments of higher education institutions on the basis of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Natural Resources, organizing the educational process – practical and laboratory classes, coursework, diploma projects, industrial practice,” the Minister said.