Regulatory legal acts in the field of state environmental assessment
"On state environmental assessment, strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment"
"On some measures for the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 18.07.2016 "On state environmental assessment, strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment"
"On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for organizing and conducting public discussions of draft environmentally significant decisions, environmental reports on strategic environmental assessment, reports on environmental impact assessment, taking into account adopted environmentally significant decisions and introducing amendments and additions to certain resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus"
"On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for conducting public environmental assessment"
"On approval of environmental standards and rules" (EkoNiP 17.01.06-001-2017 Environmental protection and nature management. Environmental safety requirements"
"On approval of environmental norms and rules" (EkoNiP 17.01.06-002-2019 "Environmental protection and nature management. Economic assessment of the implementation of environmental measures")
"On approval of environmental norms and rules" (EkoNiP 17.06.08-003-2022 "Environmental protection and nature management. Hydrosphere. Requirements for maintaining surface water bodies in proper condition and their improvement").
"On the development of entrepreneurship"
International legal acts in the field of environmental assessment
to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context