On changes in legislation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection informs that on April 26, 2024, the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources dated December 15, 2023 No. 15-T “On approval of environmental norms and rules” comes into force, which approved EcoNiP 17.06.01-006-2023 “Environmental protection and nature management. Hydrosphere. Water quality standards for surface water bodies.” EcoNiP establishes requirements for determining water quality standards for surface water bodies. The values ​​​​of maximum permissible concentrations of chemical and other substances in the water of surface water bodies are scientifically substantiated.

At the same time, the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources of March 30, 2015 No. 13 “On the establishment of water quality standards for surface water bodies” is recognized as no longer in force by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources of January 29, 2024 No. 1.