Today, a meeting of the public environmental coordination council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (PECC) was held under the chairmanship of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Sergey Maslyak.
The council members reviewed the draft Plan for interaction between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the public to promote and implement environmental initiatives for 2024–2025, and discussed current environmental and other issues.
“The initiative to develop a Plan for interaction between the Ministry and the public arose following a meeting with representatives of the public organization “Belarusian Green Cross”, the Minister informed those present. “The document will contribute to greater transparency and openness of our joint environmental activities with public and other organizations, educational institutions, as well as its popularization with the aim of attracting an even wider circle of the public to it.”
The plan provides for measures for organizational interaction between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the public, creation of conditions for the promotion and implementation of environmental initiatives, including youth initiatives, and information work.
It was decided that a public forum will be held annually under the auspices of the Ministry of Natural Resources, within the framework of which public associations and other organizations will share their achievements and discuss current environmental issues.
Based on the results of the discussions, a decision was made to finalize the Plan submitted for consideration, coordinate it with those interested and approve it.
The Council was also informed about the consideration of the issue of the preservation of Belovezhskaya Pushcha at the 46th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
The issue of preparations for holding a “Car-Free Day” in 2024, in which the public is actively involved, was examined in detail.
In order to attract public attention to the issues of improving air quality in cities and popularizing environmentally friendly types of transport, the Ministry of Natural Resources is holding a republican campaign “Car-Free Day” on September 22 this year, which includes a number of environmental activities in all regions of the republic, including festive concerts and bike rides. In Minsk, on this day, the campaign will take place on the territory of the Hugo Chavez Park.